BRING TRAFFIC, BOOST RANKINGS / Google news approved guest posts

Boost Your Visibility with Google News Approved Posts

Maximize your brand’s exposure and credibility with our exclusive Google News Approved Guest Posts service. Featuring content published on Google News approved websites, this service offers a unique opportunity to position your brand in front of a highly engaged, information-seeking audience. Leverage the power of timely, relevant news coverage to boost your online presence and SEO metrics.
Our Services Features
Immediate Exposure on Google News

Gain instant visibility by featuring your content on platforms approved by Google News, reaching audiences actively seeking the latest updates and information in your industry.

Enhanced Brand Recognition

Publishing on Google News approved sites significantly elevates your brand's recognition and reputation, associating your name with credible and timely information.

SEO and Traffic Boost

Take advantage of the SEO benefits that come with being featured on high-authority news platforms. Improve your website's search rankings and drive targeted traffic with backlinks from Google News approved sites.

Content Tailored to News Readers

Our team of skilled writers specializes in creating newsworthy, engaging content that meets the stringent guidelines of Google News, ensuring your guest posts resonate with readers and spark interest.

Simple Trick: The more you grab, the bigger the boost.

Google News Approved Packages

Standard Power-Up


Delivery 5 Post in 10 Days

Premium Turbocharge


Delivery 10 Post in 12 Days

Ultimate Dominance


Delivery 15 Post in 15 Days

“Dot Mirror’s Google News approved guest posts propelled our brand’s visibility and credibility. Within days, we saw increased traffic and recognition. Highly recommended for establishing authority online!”
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Joy Anderson
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