Bidvertiser: Reviews, Features, Pros & Cons, Alternative

Bidvertiser is a targeted self-serving solution for advertisers and companies. They also help the publishers to make money from their ad plans. They find the optimal match between advertisers and publishers like nowhere else!

Bidvertiser Review

Bidvertiser is an excellent, self-serving platform that serves a high conversion rate of traffic. In this platform, you’ll find every kind of traffic like exclusive targeting to segmented targets.

They have various kinds of detailed analysis and tracking options. This platform was created in 2008 when many publishers had trouble selling their ad space directly to the advertisers. Bidvertiser provided the platform to interact with publishers and advertisers.

Bidvertiser Advertiser Review

Bidvertiser is very advertiser-friendly. You’ll get to know it when you’ll read the points below.

Global network: Bidvertiser serves millions of customers from around the globe to expand your business and to reach your targeted audience.

Reliability and Transparency: More than 3000 advertisers are having their trust in advertisers because of their service, reliability, and security. They also serve you with every information about the traffic segments to make your decision more accurate.

Tracking and Automation: From the dashboard, you can easily track your ads and with the automated services, it’s easier to focus on your creativity rather than completing formalities.

Bidvertiser Traffic Quality: Bidvertiser holds very good traffic quality which makes it a renowned platform for the publishers. Bidvertiser has a section of the quality score which represents the ROI rates of the websites. ROI means the profit you made from the ads comparing with the amount you spent on them.

By choosing the quality score, you can control the return of investments which I think is a great feature of Bidvertiser!


Bidvertiser Publisher Ads Network

For the publishers, advertisers serve a user-friendly and easy to go process. Publishers will need to complete a signup process where they have to enter their website details along with some other information. The Bidvertiser team will then review the details and after that, you are ready to start placing Ads.

There are some plus points for the publishers which I think you’ll love to know about.

Multiple Ad Formats

This will allow a publisher to use different visualization of his ads like pop-up ads, slide ads, etc.


I think the targeting method of Bidvertiser differentiates it from any other platform. They target their audience depending on their geography, country, and cookie data. This function gets them high ROI rates which is beneficial for both the advertiser and the publisher.

Bidvertiser PPC Review

There are three types of AD plans in the Bidvertiser. These are – CPM, CPC, and CPA. PPC stands for pay per click. There are many variables to decide the PPC of your ad. So, it’s tough to mention a figure of the PPC rate.


The variables are –

  • How much the advertiser is willing to play at that time.
  • The revenue earned by the AD will also have an impact on the PPC.
  • The quality of that AD, geolocation, and the duration of the time the AD is published will also affect it.


After reading this, you may have a clear idea about what Bidvertiser is, how it works, and how it may be beneficial for you and you’re business. But, you may want to know more about Adblade.

If that’s the case then please don’t hesitate to leave a question for us in the comment section. We’ll get back to you soon with the answer. For the publishers, advertisers serve a user-friendly and easy to go process. Publishers will need to complete a signup process where they have to enter their website details along with some other information.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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