Sunrise Dental Care, a local dental clinic, sought to enhance its online visibility and attract new patients. To achieve this, they engaged our Local SEO services, which encompassed

  • Onsite Optimization,
  • Complete Website Content Optimization,
  • On-page blogs,
  • Meta Tags,
  • Off-page blogs Posting,
  • Business listings,
  • Local Business Schema Setup,
  • High DA Guest Backlinks.

This case study illustrates how our Local SEO efforts significantly improved Sunrise Dental Care’s digital presence and, most importantly, the number of new patients they attracted.


Sunrise Dental Care faced the challenge of standing out in a competitive local market. Their website required optimization, and they needed to establish a strong online presence to attract a broader audience of potential patients.

Our Approach

What We Done
35 Focused Keywords
Onsite Optimization
Complete Website Content Optimization
3 On-page blogs
Meta Tags
15 Off-page blogs Posting
20 Business listings
Local Business Schema Setup
Google Analytics
GMB Optimization (Local SEO)
3 High DA Guest Backlinks
SEO Reporting

Website Optimization and Content Enhancement

We initiated the transformation by optimizing Sunrise Dental Care’s website. Onsite Optimization made their site more search engine-friendly, enhancing its discoverability in local search results. Simultaneously, we revamped their website content, making it not only SEO-friendly but also informative and engaging. This included regular updates to on-page blogs and the fine-tuning of Meta Tags to improve the website’s authority and relevance.

Off-page blogs Posting and Business listings

Our strategy extended beyond on-site improvements. We leveraged Off-page blogs Posting to create compelling content that showcased Sunrise Dental Care’s expertise and attracted organic traffic. Additionally, we ensured their business listings were consistent and accurate across various online directories, making it easy for potential patients to find them.

Local Business Schema Setup and High DA Guest Backlinks

The implementation of Local Business Schema Setup was a pivotal step. It provided essential information, such as operating hours and reviews, in search results, giving Sunrise Dental Care an advantage over competitors. We also focused on securing High Domain Authority (DA) Guest Backlinks from reputable sources, further bolstering their online credibility and search engine ranking.


Our Local SEO efforts yielded impressive results for Sunrise Dental Care:

  • An increase in website traffic.
  • improved online visibility with top rankings for relevant local keywords.
  • Expansion of the client base, with a notable boost in appointment requests and phone calls.

Number of New Patients Increased by 27%

Thanks to our tailored Local SEO package, the number of new patients at Sunrise Dental Care increased by a substantial 27%. This notable rise showcases the tangible impact of our Local SEO efforts.

By implementing the right Local SEO strategies and targeting the appropriate audience, Sunrise Dental Care not only attracted new patients but also established themselves as a trusted local dental care provider. The remarkable return on investment, with a 27% increase in new patients, underscores the value of our Local SEO package. If you seek a transformative solution to enhance your local business’s online presence and achieve tangible results, our comprehensive Local SEO package can be your key to success. Contact us today to explore how we can help your business thrive in the digital landscape.

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