Moz Pro: Review, Pricing, Features, Free Trial, Alternative

It is a very famous SEO application. It is a very helpful tool for both beginners and experts. We can do many better keyword types of research in a short time so that users get more time in generating qualified website traffic. This is perfect for complex analysis. In this Moz Keyword Explorer review, we will describe how it works and what the benefits of using this amazing tool are.

History and foundation

In 2004, Rand Fishkin and Gillian Muessig established Moz. Its headquarters is located in Seattle, Washington, United State. After establishing, many world’s best SEO experts shared their ideas and researched analysis with it to develop the application. It was very helpful for Moz to boost content.

How it works

It is very easy to use Moz. It provides the best keyword to every user. For using it, we need to create a Moz account. Now, sign up in Moz. We can sign up for free or for getting a better experience, users can activate their subscription. This software offers 30 days of free trial for everyone. In free trial users, get access to the link and keyword explorer, optimization of the page, rankings, and many more things. For using Moz we will follow the following steps-

  • Create an account and sign up in Moz.
  • Moz will send a verification email to verify ID.
  • Now type the selected URL or keywords to find out the result.
  • Every month it will send mail to for suggesting new and latest website according to the previous search.

If a user wants to connect Google Analytics with Moz then he or she needs to log in Google account also to manage Google Analytics.

Keyword Explorer

Features of Moz

There are dozens of features in Moz that you can use to find out your desired keywords and analyze your competitors. In this Moz keyword planner review, we will describe a few of them.

  • Rank Tracker: For implementing work, users can rank their own keywords also competitors’ keywords. They do it by tracking local and national searches. It is essential for knowing about competitors’ strategies.
  • Google analytic: By using Moz, a user can connect a Google Analytics account. It contains many free tools also. Provides a report of progress.
  • Moz keyword research review: Moz always alerts its users’ new keywords and trendy things.

It discovers and analysis a huge amount of keywords. No other software works like it. It shows keywords by metrics. It provides 95% accurate answers for every search. For understanding customers, knowing competitors’ effort it always suggests the most searched keywords.

  • Website Auditor: There are many harmful things, which can attack the user’s websites anytime. Some of the harmful issues are not easy to identify. Moz can identify those things. It gives alerts when it finds anything suspicious to fix. It takes full control of users’ websites. Explain each issue properly.
  • Link Explorer: It measures backlinks, linking domain, most valuable pages. Those things are very essential to create high-quality links. Through those links, we can analyze profiles of the various websites. A user can compare his or her link with their top four competitors’ link. They can also track links.
  • Content Explorer: It provides the most trendy and latest news of every search with a huge amount of data. Users can update content every month.
  • Q&A Forum: This is the unique feature of Moz. For that user will ask the necessary questions and will get the answers.

Pricing of Moz

Anyone can use Moz free for 30 days. After the subscription, the user has to pay. They have to follow the following prices structures in per month for using Moz-

Standard $99
Medium $149
Large $249
Premium $599

In the Standard Plan, the monthly payment is $99. However, if a user wants to use annually then he or she has to pay $79 per month. It provides five campaigns, 250000 monthly keywords reports, and 300-keyword ranking. In the Medium plan, the monthly payment is $149. If a user uses it annually then payment will be $119 per month. It provides 10 campaigns and 5000-keyword reports.

In a Large plan, if a user uses it annually then the monthly bill will be $199. Here we can get, 25 campaigns and seats, 1.25 million pages, 1900 keywords ranking, and 15000 keyword reports. In the Premium plan, the user has to pay $479 monthly if he or she use it annually. It is perfect for big organizations. It provides 100 campaigns, 30,000 monthly keyword reports, and 7500 keyword rankings with unlimited seats.

According to, other SEO tools it is very affordable with amazing features. It is the most trusted analytics platform for SEO search. It helps to provide targeted keyword search and reduce SEO complexities. We can understand the visitor’s demand. It is a great keyword research tool. It is not time-consuming for Keyword explorer Moz.

The benefit of using Moz

Moz keywords explorer provides the updated results to the users. It gives the accurate and fast result of every research. There are many benefits of using this application.

  1. Developing Digital Marketing

Nowadays digital marketing is one of the common things. Moz helps to do marketing in a smarter way. It helps in marketing by providing the best keyword, link research, SEO report, and technical research. It closes the duplicate data. In fact, we can review the page. It is very good for small organizations for expanding business.

  1. Understanding Customer

We can study what products customers are searching for. Through the keywords research, we can know it. Following it, a company can build strong and useful content. They can also save the keyword search list so that they can track customers in the future.

We can add chrome, which improves SEO research.

  1. Competitor Analysis

Through this tool, anyone can understand and analyze their competitor’s efforts. An organization must keep knowledge about its competitors. It helps to get more market share or to sustain in the market. If an organization does not keep notice, what their competitors are doing may be lost market share.

Moz helps to know about their effort. Also, give an idea of how to do it better than competitors do. We can track the competitors’ sites. We can know the competitors’ keywords.

  1. Shows new opportunity

Opportunities are one of the most important things in Business. It increases profitability. We can see all the keywords that our customers are using in their search. From here, we can know about their demand and taste. It is very helpful to take the correct decision & creating a new business opportunity.

  1. Improve content writing strategies

It provides many educational materials, which help a writer to learn many things about SEO.

It improves the content writers writing skills. It offers a huge amount of keyword research results.  It is very helpful to increase the ability of writing. It provides all the latest and advanced news and information about any kind of topic. It develops the writer’s deep knowledge about the topic. Recommend target keywords on demand.

It also controls traffic and optimizes webpages. In this application, many programs increase the visibility of content.

Moz is a perfect keyword tool for beginner who wants to learn new things. It one of the smarter ways to do SEO with keyword explorer extension. It provides an easy solution to every search.


It gives a report via email once a month so that users can know the ranking of keywords. It gives a huge number of keyword suggestions, volume. Keyword monitoring is one of the best services in Moz.

Keyword Explorer

It suggests the best website via email every month. If a user misses something in a blog post or articles then Moz will suggest them.

Disadvantages of Moz

Moz is one of the most trusted analytics platforms for SEO search. It provides the accurate and fast result of every research. Many users do not like to use Moz.

In this software, there attached many programs which are not useful at all. Anyone can get that information or benefit from Google search, which is free for all. According to some users, it is not good enough for the competitor’s analysis.

Some users thought that it is tough to find out the accurate answer. Because, when user research for something it gives a huge number of results. None of the results is pinpoint. It creates confusion in the user’s mind.

Alternative of Moz

Moz is a very useful SEO research keyboard. However, it is expensive. That is why many people search for alternatives to it.

  1. Ahrefs: It is easy to set up and use. Users could easily explore various sites, content, and keywords.
  2. BrightEdge: This application helps to converts online content into revenue and engagement. It gives more relevant keywords than Moz. It is very helpful to create a good report.
  3. Conductor Searchlight: It helps an organization to develop its digital marketing strategies and activities.
  4. SEM rush: This is free for everyone. It helps in Digital Marketing and agencies work with multiple clients or organizations consist of multiple websites to operate.
  5. SE Ranking: It is easy to operate and provides an exact answer. Perfect for a digital marketing platform. It is more useable than Moz.
  6. SpyFu: It is best for competitors’ analysis and easier to set up than Moz.
  7. Snap stat: This is very popular and one of the hardest competitors of Moz Pro. In business work better than Moz.
  8. Raven Tools: This tool always provides a result of very depth.
  9. Screaming Frog: Fast 500 URL search is free for every user. It is very helpful in searching broken links, metadata, and analyzing pages.

I hope you have got a pretty good idea of how it works in our Moz pro keyword explorer review. If you have any queries about this amazing tool, let us know about it in the comment section down below.

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