3 Steps to Analyze & Enhance Your Website SEO

how to check seo of website
Do you have a website? Are you looking forward to making your site more attractive to a search engine?

Do you wish to set your site rank higher in search engines? If the answer to all these questions is ‘Yes’, you obviously need to know about SEO.

I am here to help you with all the necessary information you need to know regarding Search Engine Optimization.  By the end of this article, you will have a solution to all your problems.

You will have acquired enough knowledge about SEO. So, stick to the finish line.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

SEO is a process through which website owners go to make sure that their site ranks high in the search engines for relevant keywords and phrases.

It enhances the quantity and quality of traffic to the website through organic search engine results. It helps companies to gain more awareness and position their website higher in the rank of search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing, etc.

How does SEO Work?

SEO helps you to make certain changes to your website design and content that make your site more attractive to a search engine.

You can find out how to take care of every fundamental aspect, from the heading tags to the loading speed of your web pages. SEO aims to make your site more friendly and trustworthy to users and search engines.

When search engines find your website user-friendly from the aspect of usability and reliability, it increases the chances that your site will rank well for different searches.

Search engines collect all kinds of information about your website and the pages that make up your site. This allows them to quickly determine when to serve a searcher a page of your site.

They collect things like page speed, title tags, social signals, internal linking, backlinks, and so on. Google has 200+ ranking factors in its algorithm.

There are a lot of things to consider and actions to optimize a website. These actions determine how well your site is optimized and, therefore, how well it ranks.

How to do SEO Analysis?

How to do SEO Analysis

There are several ways to do SEO checkup. You can hire an SEO expert. The expert will analyze, review, and implement changes to your website to make it optimized for search engines.

S/He may also test and implement various search engine marketing techniques, web site layouts, and advertising for search engine optimization. It is an excellent method, but it may cost you a lot. 

If you don’t want to spend money on hiring experts, another cost-free option is available. There are several free SEO tools.

There are a lot of SEO checker websites where you can check your website and find out your SEO mistakes and fix those issues. If you want, you can compare your SEO report to other sites too. 

Now, maybe you are thinking of getting an SEO analysis tool or website which is free and easy to use.

Don’t worry! I am not going to leave you there without concrete information. Just keep reading.

What is the Best Website Analysis Tool?

Out of so many SEO checkers online, I find ‘Turbo Reviewer’ as one of the best SEO tools. You can instantly analyze your SEO issues through this website. It helps to identify your SEO mistakes and better optimize your site content. 

It provides simple, professional-quality SEO analysis and critical SEO monitoring for websites. You can run unlimited analysis on their most powerful servers.

You can also store your website reports to make it easy to view progress and past work on their website. There is also a chance to compare your reports with your competitor’s site and see how your SEO can help you win the competition. 

This tool has many more amazing features. Most importantly, this will not cost you even a penny. It is free and easy to use. The website’s link is given below-

How to Check Your Website SEO?

To know your website SEO score, first, copy your website URL. Then, go toTurbo Reviewer .

You will find an empty address bar on the first page. Just paste your website URL that you want to know the SEO score of and click on the ‘Review’ button. 

Soon the result page will appear with your score and all the issues that need to be fixed. If you want, you can download the report by clicking ‘Download’.

There’s an option for comparing with another website named ‘Compare’. It is right beside the download option. 

The result page will display the factors that your website has passed. It will also identify all the issues with your website.

Fixing these issues will optimize your website to search engines and increase your site rank.

I hope you find this article helpful. Now you can easily check your website SEO and find out the ways to improve the position in search engines.

Give a round of applause for Turbo Reviewer for creating this scope of getting an SEO check without spending a single penny. 

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