6 Effective Link Building Strategies After Penguin Update

latest link building strategies after the penguin update
After Google’s Penguin update, many sites have been penalized. The reason was for spammy or irrelevant backlinks. This is why it’s crucial to make your link-building activities appear natural.

Otherwise, Google can’t help you, as Penguin aims to identify low-quality backlinks.

 According to Google, ranking without any backlinks is difficult. In that case, what factors should you think about?

To avoid getting penalized by Google, you should follow accurate link-building methods. It’ll help you to construct Google Penguin-friendly backlinks.

 Today’s link-building landscape is vastly different from even a decade ago. Let’s get into the details of it.

What exactly is this new Penguin update from Google?

The goal of Google’s Penguin update was to discourage low-quality and promote high-quality material for users. Google Penguin has had multiple modifications since its first launch in April 2012.

The latest Google Penguin update went live on January 10, 2016. It re-crawls the sites and evaluates them accordingly.

Shifts in strategies after the penguin update you’ll face

They’re a bunch of changes to notice in link building now. To name a few examples, here are five ways in which link building nowadays differs:

  1. The importance of quantity is overrated (much). The quality of the links you construct is far more important than their quantity. Although increasing the number of external links pointing to your site is helpful. But quality is less crucial.
  2. Publishers are more selective than ever. They count on the types of material and links they will allow. To succeed, you must be strategic in your publishing and link-building.
  3. The reliability of the media has significantly decreased. Once upon a time, press releases provided fantastic chances for link development. The reason was they were fast routes to gaining connections from authoritative publishers. The general credibility of news websites has declined in response to this trend.
  4. The rules for anchor text vary. In the past, you could insert keywords into anchor text. It would be best if you used more straightforward, conversational language today.
  5. The context is crucial. Your link will fail if it appears on an unexpected publisher. Among irrelevant content or provides no additional value to the reader.


Link-building strategies after the Penguin Update of Google


Link building strategies after Penguin Update


1. Evaluation of Links

Step one is to conduct a full-site link audit to identify incoming and outgoing link sources, including the target pages, anchor texts, and link types.

It means both do-follow and no-follow. You should review the links to keep your site in good standing with search engines.

And cut the low-quality ones by disavowing them in Google Webmaster Tools. It’s the same if you prefer Bing Webmaster Tools.

2. Revitalizing Through High-Quality Link-Building

You already know that Google cares more about the quality and diversity of backlinks. It is more vital than their sheer quantity.

It would be best if you established a new network to regain your confidence in Google and other search engines.

It has to be full of high-quality inbound connections. Stop generating a million ineffective backlinks. Focus on constructing one hundred high-quality backlinks.

Include guest posting on high-authority sites and commenting on sites that use Commenting, and submitting articles to reputable article directories.

3. The Value of the Content and How Well It Relates to the Purpose

To improve your search engine rankings, you should carefully consider content quality. And the relevance of the material on your site with the chosen keyword.

Remove or rewrite any irrelevant articles or of poor quality from your site. If you have thousands of articles, this could be a daunting undertaking. But with time and effort, you can get it done.

To avoid getting penalized, you should start publishing original high-quality content on your site.

Keep your readers in mind at all times. Ask for their thoughts and opinions. Respond to their comments using calls to action.

4. Avoid Blackhat Methods, Penguin Update Hates Black Hat Link Building Methods

To prevent issues, you should never use any Blackhat SEO tactics. Blackhat SEO is immediately recognizable since it guarantees faster and better results.

White hat SEO, on the other hand, takes effort and dedication to achieve. If you want to get to the position of Google’s search results page, you must strictly adhere to White hat SEO tactics.

After the Penguin update, this strategy for building links will help you slowly. But regain your previous ranking on Google’s first page. If you’re truly committed, it won’t matter how long it takes you to succeed.

5. Solicit Hyperlinks

Ensure you have reliable contacts who maintain high-quality blogs, websites, or forums. Ask them to connect to your site. Use it now to your advantage to get high-quality inbound links to your site.

6. Submitting Comments to Blogs

Leaving comments on blogs you enjoy reading is a simple technique to get backlinks that Google’s Penguin update won’t ban.

Nonetheless, refrain from engaging in spamming blogs to get backlinks. Don’t just leave a generic comment. Add something of value to the conversation going on this topic.

The comments box on most websites is a field where you may enter your name, website, and email address. Refrain from trying to game the system by stuffing your target keywords.

Blog owners who are astute enough to realize you solely care about gaining a link from them will likely not allow your remark.

Final Verdicts

We hope this Detailed Article on Link Building Strategies after the Penguin Update of Google has helped you a lot.

If you follow and implement the techniques of Link Building on your website which has fallen its ranking after the Penguin, you may find a significant change in Ranking.

Thanks for Reading!

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